Monday 6 October 2008

this is my first blog am feeling very nevouse as i am writeing it . i feel so terrible i lost five stone last year ive put a stone back on i feel terrible a bout that as i worked so hard getting rid of it . my art class was stoped so i couldnt carry on with that wich i was heart broken about i was on a training course for a job in a shop . yes people who want to work in shops go on courses on how to treat customeres . how can this be you might be thinking to your self as there are so many rude and unhelpfull shop assistantes its a wonder how people like that get a job so i thought i might not have stood a chance at that .so i decided to go back to adult classes to learn about liverpool history maths wich am terrible at and english wich am allso terrible at my spelling and gramer is allfull . and other classes i hope ive picked the write thing to do .